Debt Elimination
End Debt Forever Pay off 100% of all your debt and
have money leftover!

Your personal Specialist will guide you through the process
and make sure that all your money is working for you.

How does END DEBT FOREVER work?

Ending Your Debt Forever is the smart way to pay off your debt using the cash value of a SDIC Account (Specially Designed Insurance Contract). Your Specialist will work with you using our proprietary software and will generate a personalized debt elimination plan showing you how and when to pay off each of your debts and the projected amount of interest you’ll save, typically without spending any additional money each month.

You’re not alone, we are with you
throughout the entire process!

Debt Free in 7-10 Years!

Debt Free in 7-10 years!


Now you can use the same system the wealthy have known about for years



Fill out a Client Request Form (below) Schedule a time to discuss the plan to see if you qualify.


Your personal Specialist will Contact you to schedule an Initial appointment to review and ask / answer questions.


Your Specialist will submit the paperwork and get the process started for you and your family to become Debt Free!

Total Debt

Over $68,000 in
Interest Saved!

What Eliminating Your Debt Forever Can Do!

David had no idea that his effective interest
rate was so high!

  • Mortgage $331,451
  • Auto Loans (2) $83,944
  • Student Loan $66,732
  • Credit Cards $34,578
  • Home Equity Loan $27,721
  • Medical Bills $9,046
  • Back Taxes $7,864


Common Questions

How much does Ending Your Debt Forever cost?

Your Specialist will show you how to redirect your current inefficient spending into your policy while accruing guaranteed interest and dividends. You essentially become your own bank and pay off debts in many cases with no additional out-of-pocket expenses. Premiums for whole life insurance, like other types of life insurance, depend on your age and health at the time you apply. Rates and dividends vary.

If I’m self-employed or own my own business, can this apply?

100% yes! Your personal Specialist can apply the Debt Elimination Plan to your business and build cash value while ridding it of debt and saving you enormous amounts of interest paid to your lenders. You can then use the cash value for future business needs.

Why have I never heard of this type of program?

This has been available for many years, but typically only promoted to the wealthy. Face it, the banks want you to be in debt forever...that’s how they make money. Now you can flip the tables on them and get rid of your debt, accumulate money for retirement, and have the protection of a fantastic insurance contract with many, many additional benefits.

When can I start the Debt Elimination Program?

Now! There’s never been a better time. We are seeing interest rates continue to rise, and everyone knows the stock market is up and down. Enjoy the fact that your money is safe and growing in a tax-deferred environment. You’ll have access to your money via tax-free loans!


Are you a licensed insurance agent interested in participating in the

Exclusive Debt Elimination Referral System?
